Hyper Automation: Is this the future of contingent workforce management?

Author4MAT Administrator

What is Hyper-Automation?

Hyper-automation consists of increasing the automation of business processes (workflows, marketing processes, etc.) by introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to a point where almost any repetitive task can be automated, from a recruitment sense, mitigating the administrative burden throughout the recruitment lifecycle from attraction to off-boarding.

In addition, hyper-automation is a key factor in digital transformation as it eliminates manual intervention in low-value processes, collating recruitment data that provides a level of business intelligence beyond the current capability. It can become a decisive factor in building an organisations flexible workforce strategy that’s capable of adapting rapidly to change.

MSP growth through Automation

Although many organisations are turning to the commercial benefits of outsourcing their contingent recruitment to a Managed Service Provider, the prospect of all or most of the mundane, repetitive or time-restricting tasks, especially around compliance, will only increase the level of interest in solutions-based workforce programmes.

Elements and advantages for Managed Services Programs (MSP)

Hyper-automation is not based on one single technology but on integrating several, this has numerous advantages for the complexities of a recruitment lifecycle, especially in matrix organisational structures, and all those involved in the process:

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is the technology that uses algorithms to perform complex tasks by themselves without the need for additional programming by human beings.

Artificial Intelligence

The purpose of Artificial Intelligence is to make decisions and solve problems by emulating human logical thinking.

Big Data

Big Data is a set of technologies that make it possible to analyse huge amounts of data to identify patterns and create optimal solutions.


Chatbots are systems based on AI, ML, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) that can hold a conversation in real-time using text or speech.

How will Hyper-Automation support Managed Services Programs?

According to Gartner, "Hyper-automation is rapidly shifting from an option to a condition of survival", ranking "outdated work processes as the No.1 workforce issue". By combining automation technologies, power, and flexibility can be added in places where they were not possible previously. So, tasks that previously could not be automated now can be, so that human capabilities can be focised on tasks with a greater value, such as decision-making and critical thinking. 

One popular discussion is ChatGPT, an AI-based chatbot. Although still in its infancy, the practical applications, at least from a recruitment perspective, are already in development. The most favoured route is a pre-screening tool, a non-bias approach to engaging prospective talent who visit your career pages. Through Chatbot conversation and sentiment analysis, you will be able to gauge and measure interest remotely. Add hyper-automation and you’re attracting a whole new range of passive talent with no manual intervention – how much time would that save you?

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