TRS Staffing Solutions continues to deliver social projects for communities in Equatorial Guinea

TRS Staffing our consultant managing the role
Posting date: 19 April 2021

TRS Staffing Solutions continues to deliver social projects for communities in Equatorial Guinea, West Africa

Glenn Staff, Regional Director (West Africa), & Nicolas Franceschi, Business Manager (West Africa)


TRS Staffing Solutions in Equatorial Guinea (operating as CSP EG SL) provide staffing expertise and a contingent workforce solution to the major energy organizations and service companies representing the country’s oil & gas industry.  

Over the last several years, TRS has built eleven water wells, two schools and a village hall, bringing vital resources and education to local communities. Today, over 800 school children benefit from these facilities.

Our most recent school built – Adjamboja School

Adjamboja is a small village in the district of Aconibe. It is in the South East of the mainland.

In early 2020 funding was approved for the school and construction was completed in February 2021.

Works included construction of the school buildings, landscaping, fencing, potable water wells, furniture, schoolbooks and supplies.


Commenting on the completion of the latest school project, TRS’s West Africa Business Manager, Nicolas Franceschi said; “Our social projects in Equatorial Guinea make us extremely proud and we are happy to give back to local communities in this way. Access to education and potable water are essential to a country’s development. Over the years, we have built strong relationships with Equatoguinean colleagues, clients in the Energy Sector and key officials at the Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons.”


The School inauguration day took place on February 14, 2021 and was attended by Mr Santiago Mba Enema Nsugathe, the Equatorial Guinea Vice Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons (MMH), public officials and local community leaders. Vicente Mba Monsuy Mikue, Assistant Manager represented TRS.

The Minister spoke of his pride in seeing this social project completed and of his ministry’s long-standing relationship with TRS. The MMH considers TRS as a model long-term partner to his country in the Energy Sector.


TRS has established an enviable reputation for its ethical business conduct and understanding of national labor compliances

The TRS brand is recognized and praised by all our customers as being the expert in local and national labor content matters. Based on its success and the recognition of its efforts, TRS is working on replicating this model in the neighboring countries of Gabon & São-Tomé-e-Principe.

TRS has been operating in Equatorial Guinea since 1998, providing workforce solutions to international oil and gas companies at the highest safety and compliance standards. TRS contributes to the success of Equatorial Guinea’s main energy projects while building long lasting relationships with the local authorities and communities.

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