Embrace technology to save time and money in hiring

Technology now is more accessible than ever. Cloud-based services have revolutionised how the world works and they are improving efficiency in almost every area of business. Just think how many tasks have been drastically streamlined in areas such as account or project management, thanks to these services.
However, many have yet to embrace technology's potential for hiring staff and managing resources tasks more efficiently. It's especially effective for hiring contingent staff.
With a range of Vendor Management Systems (VMS) options available, we can help you embrace technology to unlock a host of benefits for your company.
Hiring and management rolled into one
A VMS provides an end-to-end solution for finding contingent staff and then managing them through the duration of their contract. Forget trying to keep track of hundreds of documents - one portal gives you a centralised point of information and action.
A good system handles everything from the initial request for a new hire through to the interview process, the paperwork involved with hiring, then simplifying the management of admin throughout their contract all the way to the eventual offboarding process.
Most systems even offer options beyond the standard admin, so you can easily manage contract changes, pay rate adjustments, and more through the same system - making everyday tasks that little bit easier.
Access clear visibility data
As well as simplifying the process you can unlock an important asset: workforce data. When every action taken in relation to contingent staff is digitised in one place, you're presented with aggregated data that makes it easy to spot trends across your hiring.
With this information you can see, at a glance, what your average rates look like, your contract lengths, and so much more. This can help you strengthen your position in the market and appeal to a wider range of candidates.
You also boost transparency, gaining greater visibility of contingent staff and a better understanding of their value to a company. That information can guide smarter decisions on contract rates and duration for key hires - making sure you get the best value in your hiring choices.
Save time on big tasks and small
One major plus of using a VMS is the ability to quickly fill gaps in resource. The system streamlines the entire process, helping you avoid admin-related hold-ups and quickly hire the people you need for any job. Day-to-day work gets that little bit easier too, as with one platform you should always be able to find the information you need much faster.
With web-based systems you can grant limited access to contractors to speed up their tasks too - allowing them to submit timesheets, expenses, and other requests through their mobile instead of completing paperwork.
Ultimately, there are many different tasks a sophisticated VMS can help you optimise. The depth of functionality varies across different services providers, with many options available. For newcomers to the VMS world, choosing the right option can be a daunting prospect. We help you find the right VMS provider to match your needs - giving you flexibility over how much you want to tailor things to your processes to save even more time.
Apply vendor quality control
By using a VMS, you can build a clear long-running record of the candidates submitted by vendors. This helps you grade performance over time, highlighting the best vendors. Ideally, you can build lasting relationships with those who are continually providing the strong candidates that help the business move forward.
Equally, it means you can spot where vendors are failing to meet your criteria. It can be a chance to reiterate your requirements or find replacement vendors who have access to more suitable candidates - streamlining the process for everyone.