ONEMSP Real Time Reporting

Having real-time data allows you to make smart decisions. Are you in the know?

Working in a fast-paced environment, is essential that you have real-time data, backed up by AI and predictive analytics, to make the right decisions for your project.

TRS Workforce Solutions award-winning Vendor Management System (VMS) technology platforms give you up-to-the-minute, real-time data, and analytics for complete visibility of your project-based contingent workforce for example their recruitment status, onboarding, shift management, payroll, HR/Admin issues. 

A ONEMSP solution will give you complete visibility of your current and future workforce spending, and increased risk mitigation through compliance and site-based security tracking with automated onboarding/off-boarding. 

  • Increased compliance - Maintain compliance across the contingent labor life cycle
  • Control costs - Eliminate uncontrolled spend with total budget visibility
  • Real-time data and analytics - Easily compare candidates and track vendor performance
  • Boost efficiency - Automate and streamline HR procurement processes

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